Graeme Codrington

Graeme Codrington

Graeme is an internationally recognized futurist, specializing in the future of work. 

He helps organizations understand the forces shaping the world around us, and how the Covid-disruption will change things even more in the next few years. 

For the past two decades Graeme has worked with some of the world’s most recognized brands, travelling to over 80 countries in total, and speaking to around 100,000 people every year. He is the author of 5 best-selling books, and on faculty at 5 top global business schools. 

Clients say: “Graeme is just a dream to work with. If you get a chance, hire Graeme. Your programme participants will thank you for it.” Greg Orme, Programme Director, London Business School.

Grame speaks on 

  • AC/DC: Life After/During Covid-19 
  • Same Planet, Different World Leading in a Changing World