Charlotte Valeur

Charlotte Valeur

Charlotte Valeur has over 40 years of experience in the finance industry, primarily as an investment banker. She is an experienced FTSE Chair, Non-Executive Director and corporate governance expert, serving on a variety of boards - as well as delivering training, conducting board reviews and advising boards on corporate governance through her company Global Governance Group. She published the open access book “Effective Directors - The right Questions to Ask (QTA) in 2021.

She is a visiting Professor in Governance and leadership at University of Strathclyde and on the advisory board of the Moller Institute at Churchill College, Cambridge University.

Charlotte has served as a director of 8 public companies, including three appointments as the Chair. She has taken part in a complete restructuring of NTR PIc, the sale of REG Plc to BlackRock and, as Chair, overseen a $8bln Merger of FTSE250 Kennedy Wilson Europe
Real Estate PIc with its US NYSE listed parent. She currently Chairs Blackstone Loan
Financing Pic and is a NED of Digital Infrastructure 9 Plc.

Charlotte also has board experience with a range of unlisted companies including international engineering firm Laing O’Rourke, BT Pension Fund, Chair of Institute of Directors U.K. and is the Founder and Chair of Board Apprentice and the Institute of Neurodiversity.